Saturday, December 6, 2008

Someone, whom I deeply respect, has questioned my use of Savior and of Lord. Maybe I am not putting what I believe clearly, or maybe I am wrong. Please, never take ME as gospel. Search the Bible and learn for yourself. But I will try to explain what I said in my earlier blog.

Those, who I think, will be surprised to be turned away at the gate of Heaven are people who truely believe they are saved but are not. Some call them false converts. They have made a commitment to Christ but didn't have a Road to Damascus experience. They "believe" in Christ. Well, Satan knows Him personally. They are people who sit in church every sunday, who "work" for the Lord and say they are good people. Jesus uses the parables of the wheat and the tares, andthe ten virgins to show us that not everyone sitting in our churches will enter the kingdom of Heaven.
If people don't repent of their sin, they will become false converts Mark4:16,17. In evangelism, we have gone too far to God is a loving God and forgotten to teach that God is a just God. We don't think the ten commandments are relevant today. But they show us our sin! Charles Spurgeon said, "Explain the Ten Commandments and obey the Divine injunction: Show my people their transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sins. Open up the spirituality of the Law as our Lord did". He also said " There must be true and deep conviction of sin. This the preacher must labor to produce, for where this is not felt, the new birth has not taken place.". Many view their conversion as no longer being accountable to the Law.
My son Isaac, has also added the wider view of who will be saved and he is correct. God will have mercy on those who are sincerely searching for God according to their abilities ie people in regions of the earth that have not heard the gospel. Christ is their Savior even tho they are unaware of it, but Christ is not their Lord.
I love this example that I read in The Way of The Master.... Instead of having the sons of Kohath carry the ark, David had it carried on an oxcart. As it was brought into Israel, the oxen stumbled and the ark began to rock. When Uzzah reached out his hand to steady it, God killed him. R.C. Sproul rightly said that Uzzah presumed his hand was cleaner than the dirt!

Are we presuming?

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