Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm back. Been sick with a sinus and double ear infections.
Do you ever feel you've disappointed God? Well, while I've been sick, my daily devotions and Bible reading were non existent. I was doing so well too. Not watching tv, reading good books and working on my discipleship class work every night. Right down the tubes. But there is good news....I don't think (and this is only my opinion) that we can disappoint God. Have you ever wished for something for Christmas? You hope and pray and you expect your mom and dad will get it for you...only to be disappointed when you open the box and it's ________ (fill in the blank). It's happened to us all. But that's the point. God doesn't expect anything from us. He already knows what we're going to do. We don't surprise Him. He knows everything. He doesn't sit up there and say "I can't believe she did that!" My grandson Dawson loves buttons. The dvd player is a wonderful toy. But we tell him not to push the button that opens it and ruins the show. He inches his little hand closer and closer. Looks over his shoulder at me. Of course I knew he would push it until he learned better. So I was not disappointed in him at all. I've watched him grow and now he knows better. That's us with God. We are growing and learning and He is watching us with infinite love. No disapointment. He is smiling at us like I smile at Dawson. Oh by the way, did you read your Bible today? I did :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome illustration. The enemy is so good at making us feel bad about ourselves. There's comfort in knowing that whether I do well or not so well, my Father loves me the same... with an insanely strong love that overwhelms me. I can't wait to see His face.